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At work



HARVEY'S where people connect........................


CLIFF is my boss- a soft-spoken manager who says what he means and means what he says!

IRVIN -----is my favorite night Manager, he's bulky but a teddy bear, one you would love to hug and cuddle. He has long silky hair that makes him more irresistible if not stunning. He has amusing anecdotes regarding my stay at Harvey's.:

1. "My co-workers at a Military camp were talking about young, gorgeous women and I told them "Come to Harvey's, she's not young but extremely GORGEOUS!!!"( i'D LIKE TO BELIEVE HE WAS TALKING ABOUT ME!!!)

2. Talking about using fingers. I told him I don't need anybody's fingers, I have ten and they know where to go!! He almost die laughing!!(silly man!!) I was just telling the truth.

3. asked him one time if I can use tight fitting jeans to work, he said "absolutely NO!! customers will be asking you for stuff just to see you bend down!!! ha ha ha!!

4. He said January 13th, I'm just so glad Maria works with me all the time till closing but more glad she works infront and me at the back!!!(One way of saying , he loves me there but not exactly with him)

5. "Why can't you keep everything in your mind to yourself?" and be discreet for once? That after I told him to lose weight!! I told him you want me to be not me? I care for you so I'm telling you now!! whether you like it or not!

6.Irvin has a fantastic face of a Prince but a body of (I'm not saying??) I said to him 15 lbs. less but changed it to 50 lbs. less (he's not at all happy)

SIMON ----is the new guy!!!! only 15 years old but works like a Pro, it shows how his parents brought him up. Whenever he's there, no need to panic. he does everything without waiting for anybody to tell him what to do. I'll tell you, this boy will grow up to be a fine, responsible man as he is now and will be a good father and provider to his family. To Simon!!! keep it up and someday, remember I said IT first and I believe in you!!!! YOU CAN DO IT




KATHY- another sexy, petite,cute Manager who treats everybody fair and square. The type of a person that will welcome everybody with a smile and won't find faults but praises for people working around her. A lady, so small but likes to eat chocolates that everytime I'm at a grocery store and see chocolates I remember her. She sings and dances at work like me who loves fun!! She's fun to work with!! One of the reasons I can't leave HARVEY"S.


CHANTAL- Another Manager who at first looks so strict but cries at other people miseries and rejoices on their success and happiness. She cried when Michelle(another employee) resigned. A hard-chocolate but marsmallow inside!!!She's a loving Mom of one handsome son, Brandon


JANET- Works double-time at the UGANDA EMBASSY where we first met. She's a God-fearing lady, sometimes I'm so afraid to break her virgin ears with my ideas and craziness. She gives me and everybody, a ride with her TOYOTA car. She's a woman with ambition in life and one who will strive hard for it and will do anything to reach her goal.


CATHY- Another stunning beauty who calls me PRETTY  in return for me to call her beauty. her Mom's name is Maria just like me. She's straight-forward and will always say what's on her mind irregardless of whether you'll like it or not. Another person like me with her FOOT ON HER MOUTH!!She's very friendly, the customers just love her.


PATRICK or Pat--- to everybody is an extremely handsome french guy who is so lovable. he can have a patience so big that even a ten long lines up won't bother him BUT try his temper, he will throw a thong in the wall but won't say a word. He calls me pretty everytime I say Hi HANDSOME!!!


JOANNE- Pat's girlfriend or ex-girlfriend, I don't really know and don't want to know!!! It's none of my business. She's so pretty and smart and could be intimidating sometimes but easily say sorry on her own special way. She won't say it in words by thru actions. she can easily be lovable if she wants to but her being nasty at times are I think not done intentionally. I still wish her LOVE< PEACE and probably HAPPINESS with Pat back. If not she has to move on!!! She will find what she's looking for the least she expects it.



Liz-   is a funny woman who is still a girl at heart. She loves to say "HONEY" to everybody as sign of endearment. Very sweet and generous in terms of her knowledge at work. She's the first one who will say "IT"S ALRIGHT honey!!! EVERYTIME YOU MAKE MISTAKES AND REALLY FEEL DOWN with what you did!! She knows how to make you feel good by telling you, YOU DID A FANTASTIC JOB!! She taught me how to do DRIVE THRU, which until now I don't feel doing but will if there's no choice.


Josee- another sweet-looking, pretty lady who's smile is very expensive but as soon as you learn to know her more will be very friendly. With a face that could launch a thousand ships(like mine) she'll surely go places but should be careful with the threatening expanding hips!!! She can be bitchy sometimes and will look at you with sharp eyes but don't mind her, she's actually a Sweetheart!!


Jeannie  - is a very nice lady with a zest for  cats and life with them. She can be moody sometimes but who's not? I can ask her for favor and that I will appreciate my whole life. I feel guilty everytime I bring chocolates and cookies but can't help feeding them. I really wish to give her one way ticket to Bahamas or hawaii and never come back to enjoy life and escape the boring Winter life in Canada but I'm thinking twice, thrice!!! who will take care of her cats?......... so NO way!!!

EMMA- a light-colored pretty, sexy girl who acts like a full grown woman!! She can be irritable sometimes but still she has an aura of letting you know how stunning you looklike. She often times tell me "Maria, that guy was looking at you!! She believes I'm so attractive that every guy who looked at me has a crush on me!!What a funny girl. Well, I have a bum like hers so she's actually praising herself not me!!


  fOR the first time, I experienced working with real people. They have of course their moods but other than that I love working at HARVEY'S!! From the Manager to the newst worker there is always sharing of work. i just want them to know I LOVE THEM ALL!! Those who are nice to me and those who aren't. Still they are people from GOD>


FRANCIS- A Very handsme young looking guy on his 20's. At first he was so aloof but as you know him better, he's the most affectionate co-worker, I ever had. he folded my sleeves everytime he sees me and talked to me about his ideas. He left just a while ago to be a full-time student. I miss him.....he was like a son to me.


Dimu- is another asian girl, who likes to learn things. I like her enthusiasm and willingness to work at all times.She can be slow sometimes but bearable and her being nice will cover up everything that you  don't like in her.


Shawn- is Kathy's son (manager) who is very active and a workaholic. he likes to work fast and very tidy. he learned how to do cash and one instance I trained him and whew!! he's good at it at once. A young, sharp-minded,very good-looking man who knows what he wants and do something about it. i love working with him. It means less work for me and going home early because he did everything already. this guy has ambitions in life and will be good in anything he will do.


Cory- another young fellow in his 20's who works like a turtle but with a good sense of humor. He kept on telling me "I dreamed of you last night Maria" It's funny but flattering! He's one of them who don't believe I'm as old as a cow past the prime of becoming an "Angus Burger" , from a premium beef!


Dan -  another Asian who works like crazy like the rest. He can be irritating sometimes but wants to help all the time. He enjoys asking everybody if they need assistance.


Peter - works like crazy and acting like he's indispensable and maybe he's right!! He cares too much about the operation of Harvey's and I'd like to think he has 30% share if not a co-owner. he's the type of a worker who will jump last if the boat is sinking.


Some of them, I hardly see and work with or didn't have the chance to know them better!!


GErry - He can be irritating but a good worker too. He doesn't joke around as much as the others and I wonder why? having a nice wife and a cute kid are more than a reason enough to be happy. Maybe he's just like that, I really don't know because I'd rather stay away from him than getting words I don't like to hear.

Stephane - is a nice fellow who loves to work and play. he tries hard to learn how to work in the dining room, cleaning garbage, wiping tables. A kid at heart who brought cookies for everybody to enjoy