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Year of the roaster

Name: Maria Lani Lee

Bday: October 23

sign: scorpio

location: canada




             Right now is to find a fulfilling career that will best suit my talent/skill and will give me a chance to prove myself and enhance whatever knowledge I have.  Be with a person for life and grow old with him and stay with him in sickness or health.     To be stable in life not only materially but as well as mentally, physically and emotionally.  To be able to know what I want and how to pursue my dreams and goals in life


            Find Love, Peace, Happiness and Contentment in life         Hope that all my love ones, family, friends, co-workers, neighbors will be safe and healthy. Wish Peace and Change of heart for people who are bitter, uncertained, lost and depressed that they instead may find Love, happiness and contentment in their live
